"As the first Adam partook of sin in connection with a blood sacrifice to effect Eve's redemption (Gen. 3:6, 7, 21), so the last Adam was made sin and was Himself the Blood Sacrifice to effect our redemption (II Cor. 5:21. And, as the first Adam was created to hold the earth's sceptre (but was disqualified through sin), so the last Adam (showing Himself fully qualified [Matt. 4:1-11] and paying redemption's price for man's sin) will one day take the sceptre and rule the earth.
But, within God's plans and purposes, 2,000 years lie between the time Christ paid redemption's price and the time He will hold the sceptre. And this period is also for a revealed purpose. This is a time of revealed length which God is taking to call out a bride to reign as consort queen with His Son (in the antitype of Eve, who was to reign as consort queen with the first Adam; or, viewing another facet of the matter, in the antitype of Isaac's bride being obtained in the far country in Gen. 24).
And to fulfill His plans and purposes in this respect, God has created one new man “in Christ” (Eph. 2:13-15), who is “neither Jew nor Greek [instead, an entirely new creation]” (II Cor. 5:17; Gal. 3:28). And this new creation, being “Abraham's seed” (through a po-sitional standing “in Christ,” Who is Abraham's Seed), can have a part in the inheritance promised to Abraham; for those comprising this new creation are reckoned to be “heirs according to the promise [though heavenly, not earthly]” (Matt. 21:43; Gal. 3:16, 26-29; Heb. 3:1; I Peter 2:9, 10).
And from this new creation “in Christ,” God is taking 2,000 years to call out a bride to reign as co-regent with His Son during the coming day of His power. This period during which God is calling out a bride for His Son had a beginning at a predetermined point in time, and it will, after the same fashion, have an end at a predetermined point in time."
From Redeemed for a Purpose by Arlen Chitwood
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