This Easter, many will hear that Jesus died for our sins, and that He has
risen. But how many will shout with joy that He is coming again?
would you do if the Lord were to return tomorrow to rapture His church? Would
you be ready to stand before Him at the Judgment seat of Christ? Would you hear
Him say, "well done, good and faithful servant?" Would He would put you in
charge of many things in His Millennial Kingdom?
Christ Jesus IS
coming. I feel compelled to say it again and again because the Word of God
boldly proclaims it! Yet the world has practically shut up the message of
Christ's return and His visible Kingdom.
A.W. Pink sums it up so
eloquently in his wonderful book The Redeemer's Return:
Age began with a ringing testimony to the truth of our Lord's Return. Each of
the apostles, of whose writings we have any inspired record, taught their
converts to look for their Saviour's appearing. Alas! that this testimony was
not maintained. Alas! that this Blessed Hope should ever have become dim.
Alas! that it should, for more than a thousand years, have been almost totally
lost to the Lord's people. Yet so it was. The immediate successors of the
apostles turned their attention to other things: as it was with the Pharisees in
the days of our Lord, so these tithed anise and mint but omitted the weightier
Instead of expounding the Prophetic Scriptures and setting
before the Church its one great Hope, the early 'Church fathers,' for the most
part, spent their time in wrangling among themselves. Even before the apostles
themselves had left the earth, false teachers crept in and began to devour the
flock, and within three centuries the whole professing Church had become
paganized. Then followed the Dark Ages—aptly named, for the lamp of Prophecy
had ceased to shine and the prospect of the speedy return of the Morning Star
had completely disappeared. As our Lord Himself had foretold, the virgins all
slumbered and slept: no longer were His people looking for the Coming of the
...There are still great numbers of the Lord's people who
know next to nothing about this precious theme. Notwithsanding the fact that
the Second Coming of Christ occupies a prominent place in the Holy Scriptures,
notwithstanding the fact that this subject is a most practical one
having, as it does, some bearing on every phase of our present and future life,
and notwithstanding that it is calculated to awaken a deep interest in
"things to come" and lead to definite heart-searching, nevertheless, the vast
majority of our pulpits entirely ignore the subject and in consequence great
numbers of our church-members are in almost total ignorance concerning those
things which God's Word declares will shortly come to pass."
This Easter,
I pray that you have ears to hear that He is coming! Christ's return is our
blessed hope, in fact our only hope in this dark and sinful world. May
this knowledge fill you with great anticipation and much joy.
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